These are my 3 thornless blackberries, not doing badly after their transplant from Croydon, got flowers on too. |
Found a home for my last 2 thornless blackberries. Did a swap with my friend Janet for lettuce seedlings. Put them in with some tomato seedlings outside the back door in the protected area there that I should like to make into a mini kitchen garden as it is close to the house and hopefully rabbits and deer won't venture into it.
The parsley is going to seed there and no new ones have come up. The pepino has put on a lot of growth since I put it there and has buds. The mint is fabulous. These are all in large pots, some I have converted to wicking pots.
It is a long skinny strip between the house and the side fence (seems strange on 2 acres to be up against the fence like that, but it was an historical thing the way the land was divided). |
We did some mowing today, at last the rain has stopped. It was still very wet the grass, but you have to act or it'll rain again. the grass was knee high again in places, just grows and grows. Would really be nice to have a sheep to eat it and then we eat the sheep. In the Trading post they are selling weaned sheep for $150 each, seems a lot. My friend Linda has bought a sheep for $100, butchered and cut up into cuts. So why spend $150 on 1 and maybe it escapes or dies before it gets fat. I have never kept sheep before. And then you have to pay someone to come and butcher it for you.
This is what we mowed and what we left because it was too boggy. In the background you can see the averies/shed mentioned below. |
M and I had a great idea today as we were wandering around in the sunshine just enjoying our holiday.
The little sheds in the photo, we haven't used for anything and had no plans for them. M thought we could remove the tin from the roof and replace it with clear plastic like laser light and use it as a veg garden. It is rabbit, chook and Deer proof. So why not?! Sounds like a fab idea to me.
Found deer footprints in the front garden, not far from the house. They are wrecking the fence up the back of the block, they just crash into and climb through fences and stretch the wire. So any sheep we had would probably run away.
Deer footprint/hoof print. Nice root. |
Our chooks are doing well after the fox came a few weeks back and killed 2 of them. Was very sad.
They have been much more vigilant and any sign of dasnger they run for cover. I am pleased the fox bounty has been brought in, although people say rabbit numbers will rise because of it.
I am not sure which one is doing it but we are getting the most amazing eggs. Double yokers weighing in at around 150 grams each. Seem to get one every other day.
Now I have read that older chooks do this as do very young chooks. A lot of my chooks are old, they have thick ankles and a few walk rather carefully. But they are laying between 6 and 8 eggs a day, not bad for 9 chooks.
the egg on the right is about 60grams. The other is more than double and we had bigger but ate it yesterday made into scrambled eggs. Best ever! |
I am making a rag rug. I have been trying to make rag rugs for years but always failed to achieve the end result. I tried braiding but found it got too heavy and stretched our of shape and twisted. I made rugs by pinweaving, they were quite good and I still use them. But on a blog the other day someone mentioned toothbrush rag rugs. I followed the link and googled some more and was thrilled with the information available about them. Seems the idea came from Scandinavia a long time ago and was something that women did every year, make new rugs for the house. Neighbours would swap fabrics to help out with colour choices. Was a real community thing. Well I have made a stat. M made me the needle as I didn't have a toothbrush to convert. Seems you need an old one with a hole in the handle, they stopped making them some 20 years ago. I couldn't wait for one to be sent to me through the post and I could only find them in the US. Can't bear the thought of the miles it would have to travel to get to me so we improvised. Very satisfying too!

Well enough prattling on, goodnight.