Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Look who popped in for a visit!

Yes we had the most unexpected visitors the other day. Here they are.

Followed by a young man who had accidentally let them out of the paddock across the road and had no idea how to get them back again.
We told him not to hurry as the boys were munching on some long grass we hadn't been able to cut as the ground was too boggy.
So an hour or so later people came and collected them. I escorted the brown one back to his paddock, he was such a gentleman of a horse. I would have loved this one when I was a girl, but I had bought a monster by accident. Put me off horses.
The grey one is stunning but the temperament not so good.

I have ridden since my own horse when I was 17 but had good and bad experiences. The worst was a horse riding outfit for tourists. The bloody nag just galloped everywhere. I was terrified and that was it for me, that was 10 years ago.

Shouldn't end on a sour note, how bout this?

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